Was ist OCR?

With the help of OCR technology, it is possible to recognize information more reliably recognize information on products and objects and process it immediately.

  • Text
  • Code
  • Dates
  • Numbers
  • u.v.m.

In combination with machines and robots, our technology enables perfected automation processes.

All product markings can be processed, even those that are difficult to read:

blurred font
blurred font

Our strength: reliability
in the industrial sector.

This robustness is reflected in the fact that our technology is stable even when exposed to different light situations, dirt or even defective drawing material.

What is behind our reliable OCR?

The ability not only to recognize individual characters, but also to know the relationships between character sequences such as serial numbers or words and to take this knowledge into account during character recognition.

If a customer uses completely unknown characters or print types, DENKnet can be easily retrained. Our DENK VISION AI Hub is designed so that it can be operated without any programming knowledge. The addition of individual images ensures high-performance OCR even in unusual areas of application.

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Vision AI

Magnetic Field Imaging


Customer Story

  • Production of corrugated carton
  • Drone detection: Bird nests on transmission tower