
Cross and Cell Connector

Cross and cell connectors are critical quality features of a solar module. Cross connectors are connected to the busbars of adjacent cells by solder joints. Under certain circumstances, these connections can break due to thermomechanical stresses or be defective from the outset due to an imperfect soldering process. Such defects in the electrical connections can lead to reduced performance and indicate quality deficits.

Missing electrical connections are often not recognizable visually or even by electroluminescence (EL) imaging. With Magnetic Field Images (MFIs), a quantitative assessment can easily be performed. Such defects are also easy to recognize visually in the data.

Comparison between intact and defective cell connector on a 5-busbar mini module

Measurement Example Gallery

A broken connection also results in cross currents to neighboring busbars, which can also be detected. The solder joints between the busbar and solar cell are also visible here in By.
A broken connection also results in cross currents to neighboring busbars, which can also be detected. The solder joints between the busbar and solar cell are also visible here in By.
A complete scan of a half-cell module consisting of 120 solar cells was carried out. In the magnetic field image, five broken cross connections can be identified in the right half of the module. Furthermore, the influence of supply lines is visible in the center of the image.
A complete scan of a half-cell module consisting of 120 solar cells was carried out. In the magnetic field image, five broken cross connections can be identified in the right half of the module. Furthermore, the influence of supply lines is visible in the center of the image.
Result of a cross-connector test on a half-cell module in the field, during which defective connections were automatically identified.
Result of a cross-connector test on a half-cell module in the field, during which defective connections were automatically identified.


Evaluation of the Quality of Solder Joints within Silicon Solar Modules Using Magnetic Field Imaging

Kai Kaufmann, Dominik Lausch, Chia-Mei Lin, Maik Rudolph, Daniel Hahn and Markus Patzold | published 2020 | Phys. Status Solidi A

Our Solution



Do you want to carry out high-resolution and spatially precise recordings to accompany production or as part of R&D? Then the B-Lab is the right product for you!


Do you want to find defective connectors in your solar park? Or do you need a handy tool for process optimization or inspection in the laboratory? Then the B-Mobile is the right product for you!



Do you want to find broken connectors in the production line? Then you need a B-Integrate!

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